Newest formula of pure coconut oil essence bring back a completely new different experience for hair. Natural coconut oil essence,Collagen,and ginkgo biloba essence help to strong the hair fibers from inside to out. After washing the hair will be more shiny ,soft and smooth, good for preventing losting hair, and repair the hair from root. Special formula easily dye white, gray and yellow color hair,ammonia free, no Pungent odor, no harmful hair,
New coloring black hair, you wont use any coloring chemicals which contain ammonia that can harm your hair.
no plum bum, non-stick skin and cloth. Full pigment factor cover the white hair perfectly, brink back a full natural black hair.
Its easy to use and gives you natural color, not like other coloring matter which gives you a dark unnatural color.
It contains natural herbals and olive oil which protect hair scalp from allergy.