Beauty Vault Premium Rejuvenating Set brings you an all in one rejuvenating facial set carefully formulated and tested to help you achieve that younger, fairer and blemish-free skin you've been dreaming of. Experience an all new you that everyone will rave about with Beauty Vault Premium Rejuvenating Set.
BEAUTY VAULT REJUVENATING AND MAINTENANCE SET IMPORTANT: Before using our products it is important to first perform a Skin Patch Test.
Apply a small amount of the product to your wrist or side of your neck. Cover the area with a bandage. If a reaction, such as slight pink appears but subsides within 10-15 minutes, don’t worry as certain ingredients may give a temporary reaction. If after 24 hours, you don't see any reaction, the product can be safely used. How to Properly use Beauty Vault Rejuvenating / Beauty Vault Maintenance Set?
STEP 1 : Use Beauty Vault Kojic Soap as your regular facial cleansing soap. Apply to damp face and lather in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes before rinsing with water.
STEP 2 : Place a small amount of Beauty Vault Premium Rejuvenating Toner on a cotton ball and lightly dab to face and neck in an upward motion.
STEP 3 : Morning Routine: Apply liberal amount of Beauty Vault Tinted Sunblock Cream SPF45 thirty minutes before sun exposure. Re-apply as needed.
STEP 3 : Evening Routine: Apply a small amount of Beauty Vault Rejuvenating Cream and evenly apply to face and neck for 30 consecutive nights. Resume application after 30 days of rest.
Note: For best results, use Beauty Vault Maintenance Set 30 days after use of Beauty Vault Premium Rejuvenating Set.